I'm beginning a new tradition here at not-so-deep thoughts - a question for the weekend. You may respond at any time. You may think about what you want to answer or you may write impulsively (which is what I usually do.) I may or may not give an my answer.
If you do not have a Google account, you may choose the "Anonymous" box, but please sign your name (it drives me crazy not knowing who you are.) Feel free to check back and see how your answer stacks up. Feel free to disagree - but nicely, with your name attached. If you are too ashamed/embarrassed/afraid of your answer, just whisper in my ear later.
This week's question:
Would you vote for a Mormon for president?
Yes...When we lived in Michigan, we had a governor who was Morman. He was a great governor. In fact, I think he was the father of Mitt. The Mormans have some very far out ideas about religion and how to get to heaven, but they also have some very strong family values. Seems like we had a big hoopla back in the late 50's when JFK became our first Catholic nominee for president. I voted for him, knowing what I know about him now, I would never have voted for him for such an important office. However, look what loose morals Bill Clinton had/has.
Your Mother
A lot would depend on the other choices...if he/she were the best choice, YES.
Only if it was the lesser of two evils...
Here is an interesting blog post by Angela Hunt, the Christian author, that points out the differences in Mormonism and
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