Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Dark Side of Easter

6:30 - I notice Abbie running around in circles. Jim said, "Sugar high." She couldn't seem to stop.

9:00 - On the way back from Mimi's, Abbie fell asleep.

9:10 - Abbie runs into the house crying and carrying on because I'm reading to Kenny (usually Jim's job.) She wants me to quit. Jim takes over and comments that she's coming off her sugar high.

I try to get her to calm down and get ready for bed. She wants me to sleep with her - I've assured her I will stay with her until she falls asleep. I mean, I put kids to sleep for a living, ya know? She gets wound up again at the thought that I will leave her room.

9:34 - I leave. She cries and I cry. Finally she sleeps.


Jessica said...

Kali asked today what eggs filled with candy had to do with Easter... I didn't know the answer but told her maybe we would do Easter next year without any candy... hmmm...

Sarah said...

Jessica, I'm here to testify that Jesus is still arisen -- even without any candy at our house. I was the evil, too busy, too exhausted Mommy -- and Easter came and went with only a trip to A.M. Donuts for breakfast. Maybe I'll buy some candy on sale today! :-)

Tammy M. said...

How is it that I gave each of my kids about a dozen pieces of candy in their easter baskets, and one baby easter bunny, then the big hit, the new gold colored dollar coin in an egg,...and I have a tub the size of a small pool full of candy sitting on my kitchen table. Sarah....I am bringing you candy, don't buy any!

Tammy M. said...

One baby easter bunny refers to a chocolate easter bunny, not the furry type.

Nise' said...

I'm not even a kid and I got that sugar high myself yesterday sampling all of my kids (22, 19 & 15) treats!

Anonymous said...

The Easter Bunny didn't come to our house either. And Trayce didn't even seem to notice or care. He still got a ton of candy anyway.

Happy Birthday Denise!!!! See ya tomorrow.