Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Just a Little Trip

Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18
Just a quick note! Tonight I found out I've been published on Heartlight, again. WooHoo! I hurried home to check my site meter - I just knew my incredible writing had lured many new readers to my humble blog. Yeah. Sure.
The article isn't linked to here. Typical. I'm all worried that my last depressing post was the first one folks would see and NO. God just wants me to be humble and thankful for yall - not looking over your shoulder at who's behind yall.
I'll write a follow-up to the last post soon. Let's just say I'm trying to make it to the Shift Change.


Sarah said...

I hope you aren't offended that I didn't know you were on heartlight -- I never know when I'm on heartlight, either.

It's shift change -- put those babies in bed and soak in a clean bathtub!