Wednesday, May 17, 2006

For I Come From Alabama With My Pantyhose...

Yesterday I was trying to find a video for Abbie, The Big Comfy Couch, and came across Kenny's baby dedication. It was at Homewood CofC and it wasn't called a dedication but "New Life Celebration." The thing that struck me so visually was the suits. All the men had on suits. The preacher had a beautiful, expensive suit. All the daddies had on suits, all the men helping in the service had on suits, all the grandpas had on suits. The suits were everywhere! This was in 1998 - only 9 years ago. I will say that all the mommies had on dresses and fancy shoes, too.

How times have changed. We've had guest speakers the last 2 Sundays and they both had on suits - it was weird to see. Steve just posted about our clothing choices for Sunday mornings and I was just thinking. When I moved here, Sarah and I where the only women we knew wearing pantyhose. I only wear them now to be warm. They aren't needed any other time. I wear pants on Sunday morning - I know but it's a big deal for me.

I cringe inside when I see the boys Kenny's age wearing untucked shirts, shorts, or sneakers on Sunday morn. I want at least jeans that are tucked in! I notice women and girls in jeans and flip-flops. I don't judge one way or the other but I see it. I LOVED WATS Day when I wore my jeans and work shoes on Sunday morning.

I have no answers. I struggle every Sunday with all the clothes around me (including my own.)
What about you? What about your church and your family? Are we all still ironing on Sundays?


Jessica said...

We went to Beltway for a while... and it meant no special clothes for Sunday. When we started going to SPBC I had to go out and buy a new church wardrobe for me and the girls. I did have the thought... what about the people who can't afford to go buy special church clothes, do they just stay home? I was always taught that you should dress your best for the Lord... but it is easier to get up and go to church if you don't have to iron!

Holly said...

We are not super fancy at our house, but we try most of the time to "dress nice" on Sunday. No jeans, and not shorts. I wear pants often, because I work in the nursery so often. They just work better when sitting in the floor. I don't think God cares what we wear, but I think it helps kids to understand we are doing something important. I try not to push the kids too hard because...Someone told me once their kid hated church because of there dress shoes. Once they tossed the shoes there were no complaints about church.

Tammy M. said...

I guess I will put in my 2 cents, although Denise knows just how I feel about this subject. I think that those that like to dress up, please do, for those that don't or have kids that really don't like to dress up, keep your focus on what is really important, developing a love for fellowship, for acceptance of others no matter what they look like or what they are wearing, and taking in the wisdom from their teachers and preachers. I find that when I have "made" my kids wear "church clothes" they are so grouchy by the time we get there that church becomes drudgery to them and me trying to get them there. When I choose my battles with my kids, how dressy their clothes are is not on my list to butt heads about, now modesty, that is a different story. I do believe that Jesus instructed the disciples to take only the clothes on their back and the sandals on their feet, when they were sent out to share the Gospel. I don't think they had a separate wardrobe for church. Maybe that was 4 cents.

Anonymous said...

Tammy seems to have hit the nail on the head - clothes matter very little but modesty matters a great deal. Suits and ties, dresses and big hair, are but our own vanity. The real question is how comfortable are you with what you have on? Like those young girls that squirm in their seats trying to pull their short dresses down so 2/3s of their thigh isn't showing - but if parents let them think it's o.k. for school and dates, why shouldn't they think it's o.k. for church? Truthfully, the first time I led singing on a Sunday morning without a tie on, I felt like the biggest sinner, but I was already at the front and had no where to go.

AbbieCRAZY said...

Song Leader Without A Tie! Film at The 6:00 Service!

Sarah said...

So did you tape "The Big Comfy Couch" over Kenny's New Life Celebration? Inquiring minds. . .

We all dress up. You know that. And I iron every day -- so maybe it's not that special! :-)

Anonymous said...


I like your thoughts on this subject. I have actually been thinking about this a lot lately. I think I am more open and friendly when I am comfortable and not worried about my dress blowing up on Sunday morning. Also, i think everyone is more comfortable and inviting when they dress like themselves- not to impress one another. I keep saying I'm gonna bust out and wear jeans some time other that WATS day--we'll see when it happens!

Lori W.

stephc said...

Almost every Sunday morning I do what my hubbie calls the "clothing dance," you know where you try on clothes till you find just the right look or at least something that fits. A couple of years of go when we lived way outside of the Bible belt this rarely happened. Our little church was small and laid back and peoples expectation of "dressed your best" was way different than here. However, I have never experienced more genuine community and worship. It is a conundrum because though I believe that it should not matter, truth be told it does or I wouldn't have battle of the wardrobe with my sweet daughter more Sundays than not.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Tammy on this one. I don't think God cares what we wear, as long as we are there to worship Him, and our heads are in the right spot. But, I also agree with Holly in that, our kids do need to know that church is an important place, and if you are going to dress up for anything, that would be the right place to do it! I personally like my family to look nice at church for whatever reason! haha But I would never think someone else was doing something "wrong" for what they were wearing. Unless of course it was something inappropriate, like a mini skirt w/ cowboy boots. (and by "mini"..I mean had the girl bent over I might have seen a little more than I signed up for..I have seen this at church, and was shocked this girl was allowed to wear that, and her parents were ok with it!) That's a whole different blog!! haha I guess I just kinda think...if we are there praising God, and teaching our kids to love Him in every way, I seriously don't think he'd look down & be ashamed that we had flip flops on! (errr...I hope not...I'm pretty sure I wore a pair last Sunday!!! hahaha)

SuperMom said...

We all wear whatever we wear any other day. At one point, our keyboard player wore a skirt...and he's not a woman. I don't really think it matters what you wear.

I haven't worn pantyhose in about three years. And I can't say I miss it!